Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Organized? Of course.

I always thought I was organized. Organized in the sense that I had a basket for my guest tolietries, a box for my bills, a cart for my rubber stamps, a rack for my magazines, a cabinet for my baking pans, and so on.
Since most of those items are gone, or greatly reduced, and the containers that stored them are gone also, does this mean I’m no longer organized?

I would tell friends and family members that I would come over and help them de-clutter/organize. I am still willing to do that, but now I think I would push for more things to leave the house. The less stuff you have, the easier it is to organize.
Who would have thought it could be that simple?

I usually wear the same two pairs of jeans and eight different shirts, and yet I had six pairs of jeans and about 30 shirts. I bet for most of you, if you really looked at what you wore all the time it wouldn’t be half of what you own.

A baking pan that makes 12 small loaves of bread, never used it. A round cake holder which I used twice in the past six years, and I think those two times were in the first year. And there are so many more examples.
But now, those items are gone. Donated to people who may actually use them.

1 comment:

  1. So, where do you suggest one would start the "organizing/clearing out" process? I really want to do it, and I cleaned out our hall closet not too long ago and removed a whole lot of stuff. However, the closet is still full and I don't think I can get rid of any more.
