Thursday, October 14, 2010

That Smells Good

For lunch today at work I re-heated the vegetables that S. had roasted in the oven with some olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and fennel seed. Two of my co-workers wandered in and mentioned how good it smelled.
It made me happy that such a simple meal could be so appreciated.

During my lunch I was reading "The New Good Life" by John Robbins, and the title of the chapter I was on was "Wherever You Live is Your Temple - if You Treat It Like One". Robbins talks about living in a house that fits you, or as Goldilocks would say, "And this one is just right."

It made me smile because that's what S. and I are trying to do with all the paring down. We hope to be able to purchase a smaller house, which will mean we will have a smaller mortgage, less upkeep costs and smaller utility bills.

And by buying a house in town we will be able to walk to the grocery store, my work, and friend's houses, which led into his next chapter, "Life is Too Short for Traffic".

Reading this book is like communicating with someone who is on your same wave length. It's wonderful to know there are other people out there that share your same view in the world.

Another load of stuff to the Family Center today. I wrote up a list yesterday so S. could gather the items today (his day off) and take them over. He gathered some garage items too, so it actually filled up the back of the Jeep.

Tomorrow's my day off, so stay tuned for further de-cluttering adventures...

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