Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spring is in the air... at least inside the house.

We have been purging our house and studio. If you know me, you may be thinking, "Do you even have anything to purge?" With two car loads of stuff to the Family Center, another one to go, and some boxes to go to a friend, the answer is "Yes."

S. has been reading blogs about tiny houses (150 sq. feet) and people who only own 50 things... total. (I totally appreciate the people's dedication to living a very simple life, that is easier on the Earth's resources.) While I admire S's enthusiasm, I put the cabash on only owning 50 things. Maybe someday. And when I do only have 50 things then living in a 150 sq. foot house would seem really roomy.

So we cleaned out our closet, dresser, kitchen cabinets, studio, and craft room. I decided to turn my craft room into a meditation/yoga area. With the gurgling of the cat drinking fountain down the stairs and my yoga mat, the room will have only one item in it. I just need to narrow my life down to 49 more things.

The idea of getting rid of my craft room was an easy one to make. While I enjoy making cards, I had too much stuff. I would walk into the room and be overwhelmed. I knew the exact patterned paper I wanted to use, but to look through all the ribbon, brads, charms, stickers, beads, material, etc.... was just too much.
And if I didn't make a birthday card, and instead bought one, I would feel guilty. That to me is not enjoying my craft room.

I did keep a rolling cart full, and put somethings in the dresser in the guest room. Since I will still be giving people presents and having dinner parties I may want to make an occasional card, gift tag, or place card.

What have you de-cluttered today?

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