Monday, July 12, 2010

Sex beetles

Out picking raspberries tonight, and those nasty beetles were fornicating all over the leaves. Yuck!
It's been a really good crop this year due to all the rain, but I'm not able to pick them fast enough. Oh well, at least the birds and bunnies can enjoy them. I love when the birds get drunk towards the end of the season from all the over-ripe berries.

I actually have two rooms in the house with all the trim (and the back entry, but that's not a room). This is huge for me. For the past 12 years I have lived in houses that do not have all the trim. S. doesn't like to do it... but come on, once the trim is up it's not like you change it around on a whim.
Maybe by the time I'm 40 the whole house will be trimmed... and at 750 sq. feet it's not like our house is huge!

Picked up some books on raising chickens. I keep waffling. I would love the fresh eggs, but I don't know if we have the time to keep up with them. How I would love to work less or not at all, and just garden and raise some chickens and sew and knit and read.

It truly baffles my mind when people say they are bored. I wish! There is so much I want to do but work gets in the way.

1 comment:

  1. So much I want/need to do as well. I am starting the process of cleaning out all the crap in my house we don't need/want. I'm to the point where I am sick of it, but there is so much, it's hard for me to find a place to start. Since we are redoing Landry's room right now so she can actually start using her own room and also making room for the baby, I was able to eliminate a bunch of junk from there. But that's just one room. I have several more rooms to do, plus closets, etc. I wish you could take a few months off and move in and help. Just until it's done, of course : )
