Sunday, March 13, 2011

Radiation sucks.

It's been awhile. A friend of mine found out she was pregnant (unfortunately had a miscarriage), so I was doing research into any and all help we could give her. And I was gearing up for the month of March which was a year ago when I found out I had cancer. Lots of stress (more then I realized). For me, March has always been a horrible month, so close to Spring, but not there yet. And then adding onto it finding out I had the big C. Blah, Blucky, Bluck!

I have decided to be fucking awesome. People, especially women, have a hard time telling people when they are being idiots because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not in this life to hurt people, but I am in it to tell them to stop making stupid decisions, and then show them what to do to live a better life.

I promise if you ask me a question I will give you an honest answer.

The first thing I am going to tell you is that you are eating wrong. Do not compromise with your health. Do not eat food that is marketed for convenience. Those Lean Cuisines and Hot Pockets are bad for you and the waste they produce is bad for the Earth.

Cook from scratch.

There are so many recipes on the internet and in books that show you how. I don't care if you don't think you have the time, make it. Get your family and friends involved. Cook together and make extra to freeze for hectic days.
Better yet, roast some veggies with olive oil and a dash of spice. Put it over some easy to make rice, and you are in for a wonderful dish. (Where's the meat though I can hear some of you whine. Skip the meat. Do you know what cow farts are doing to the ozone?)

But my kids are starving and they can't wait an hour for the rice to cook. Well give them a carrot or a piece of celery with some peanut butter (natural), and either make them help you cook or send them to their room to read a book so the next generation isn't a bunch of ignorant people sucking the life out of my world. Harsh, maybe... True, yes.

Only you can begin to make this world a better place. There is nothing stopping you.

I will bring you more truth every Monday, and if I feel you've been good, you may occasionally get an extra post for the week.

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