Friday, November 12, 2010

You are so much like your mother...

Patience. My mother and I both have a hard time practicing it. When we get an idea in our head, we want it to happen right this minute. Whether it's getting our haircut or painting the bathroom, life is short so we should do it now.

So is the two of us living in the same house a good idea? Maybe not for our husbands, but for us it would work very well.

We've been preparing our house to put up on the market. Horrible time to sell, but great time to buy. I want to put the house up today, but I must have patience to get a few more things done. Damn you patience.

My parents are getting older. I am my dad's only child and I live closest to my mom, so it's inevitable that I will end up taking care of them. My dad lives two hours away, and my mom a half an hour, but soon she and my step-dad could be living with us.

I come up with many wonderful ideas. If only my minion would do my bidding I could have been a zillionaire by now. My latest idea is to buy a duplex with my mom and step-dad.

We could split the cost of cable, my minion could cook for all of us, we can take their dogs for walks when my step-dad is at work (mom has a bad back and is not very mobile), they could watch our cats when we went on trips, and other helpful things to both of us.

When was it that so many Americans moved away from co-habitating? Sure family can drive you crazy, but you can always close the door and pretend they were eaten by the moldy experiment in the basement.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm just a minion now am I?


    Co-habitating is an attractive idea that can help us achieve freedom and bring one of the important things in our life, family closer. I hope it works.
