Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to achieve World Peace

I have been looking at buying a new house for about four years. I do like our house a lot, but I knew there was something missing from it.

I realized the "it" was that I wanted to live in town, closer to our everyday destinations, so we could walk or bike. Even four years ago I was thinking that my health needed improving and that I wanted to help the environment too. I just didn't realize this was the reason our current house felt like it was lacking.

All the houses I had been looking at were in town. Every house I showed to S. was met with some reason why we couldn't/shouldn't move. The most common reasons not to was a second mortgage (who knows how fast this house would sell) and all the improvements we would need to make to the new house.

Yet here we are getting our house ready to sell, which means doing improvements on a house we will no longer own. There will most likely be improvements that need to be made on the next house we buy, but hopefully S. and I will have more time to do them (especially S. if he goes part-time or quits).

Currently, even though we both work full time, we already have more time then we did six months ago because we are minimizing our obligations and stuff. And still S. complains about having to do improvements, although once most of them are done they're done (Not like I'm going to ask him to put up new trim every five years.)

Men and woman are different. It's unfortunate that woman have to coax and word things just the right way so their male partner can realize that the idea is a good one, and if the woman is an expert she can even make the man believe it was his idea.

But it is tiring. And if the men would just do what we suggested instead of resisting so much I believe there would be World Peace. (Yes that's how strong I believe this.)

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