Monday, April 26, 2010


We watched Avatar. Special effects were cool. The story was nothing new. Man lies to girl to get something he wants, falls in love with girl, girl finds out what a douche he is, guy gravels/gets banged around some, girl forgives him and life is wonderful with lots of babies running around and the process starts all over with the next generation.

Or in a shorter sentence. It's all been done before.

And yet humans being made the way we are, each new situation for us feels intense as if no one has ever felt what you feel.

But they have. So you just need to do what is right for you, and what makes you happy... as long as it harms none.

1 comment:

  1. What if what is right for me is punching someone in the throat repeatedly. Now, it will harm some, but it will probably benefit more than it will harm. Will that be okay?
